Vaping Industry Explodes
And Park Hill South's opinion on it.
Vaping has been around since about 2003, but it is just now taking its toll and has recently been getting bigger.
There is an incredibly large selection of flavors, percentages of nicotine and even sizes. Many people believe that the vaping industries are now directing their products to teenagers to make more money.
Vaping has been a problem at South, in the bathrooms, behind desks, anywhere to cease the need for nicotine without getting caught.
“I am betting that 40 percent of the students here are either vaping or have vaped before and I may be low balling it,” said Robin Roe (Nurse).
Depending on the people asked the assumed percentage of people that vape or have vaped before varied from under 5 percent to over 80 percent.
“My generation stopped smoking so they had to figure out a way for us to start smoking again, and their whole idea was vaping and so they made all of these new flavors directed to 16 to 24-year-olds, because no 30-year-old wants to go out and buy pink lemonade vape juice,” said Kyle Lackey (Drama).
Taking the risk to damage your body is a personal choice people have to make for themselves.
Vaping can cause slow brain development for adolescents, and also according to, it can lead to extreme addictions. It could also have very long term effects such as lung damage, and even death.
It relieves a sensation after the nicotine sets in and takes all of the stress away.
According to, the most common way of vaping is the Juul, which produces less smoke, so it’s easier to sneak at home or at school. Is it directed to teens though?
Jake Lewman, a senior, said, “They make money off of minors and they’re getting come at pretty hard from the government all of the deaths are from dab pens and not Juul.”
Vaping is taking a turn on the world right now that has killed nine people on the date of Sep. 24 from them not being cautious enough about what they are putting into their bodies. Many people buy vape cartridges that they assume will have THC in them, but they end up being fake chemicals that are supposedly killing these people, yet some believe otherwise.
Vaping is finally being recognized for its harm and many stores have decided to stop restocking their products finally taking an end to these dramatic objects taking over teenagers.