Dive into 2020 Season
Disclaimer: The image above was taken before COVID-19. It was not taken this year!
This year at the pool is a whole different atmosphere than the years prior. Due to the rise in COVID-19 around the country, the winter sports teams are pushing to keep their season going, including girls swim.
After just 4 days of in the water practicing, there was already a mandatory quarantine for multiple girls. Soon after, the team came to a general consensus that it is better to be on the side of caution, rather than risk it for others. Although, being at such a young age it can be hard to monitor symptoms considering many of us in our teenage years show no symptoms at all, or that are very minor. As the girls tackle their season, they hope to do the best they can to make it through the season.
“All I want is to be able to swim and have something sort of normal this year. I think that we are doing our best to try and stay healthy, but things are going to happen. We just need to make sure that we enjoy each day in the water that we are allowed to practice” Sydney Stabell, said.
As South’s Girls Swim Team tackle the season, we wish them the best of luck and all winter sports, with our fingers crossed they can finish the whole season.