A Busy (Queen) Bee

Riley Parman isn’t content with mediocre. To get the picture, look no further than her jam-packed extracurricular schedule; how does debate, student council, NHS, senior exec, girl’s tennis, and dance sound? 

The latest feather in her cap came last Friday when Riley was crowned homecoming queen. Describing the experience, she said, “It was such a cool feeling, I think I felt more loved and supported by my classmates than I ever have, and I’m really grateful they picked me. The girls nominated alongside me were also just so great, the whole experience was incredible.” 

Despite everything she’s got going on, according to Riley, “Senior year rocks!” Wrapping up an amazing high school run at Park Hill South, Riley says, “I’m trying to make sure I remain on track for college, but also experiencing every last to the fullest extent!”