Dating With Distance
It is no surprise that serving in the military is a big commitment. Though it is a very honorable role, it requires a deep dedication to the job. Between long days, strenuous drills, and moving from base to base, it can be draining for a person to go through. On the other hand, it can take a toll on the friends and family of people who serve. Carly Gorombey, Junior, is currently dating her boyfriend, Vince Reichert, long-distance as he trains in the Army. With a scarce amount of communication and visits, the two have set obstacles aside and continued to make their relationship work.
“When he first moved away it was really, really hard, but eventually it got a lot better and I got to talk to him more and more,” Carly said. “During his basic training, I got to call or facetime every sunday, which made the adjustment easier.”
Relationships like these can be hard to handle, and many couples are not equipped to endure it. However, Carly and Vince have proved that they are strong enough for the task.
“It’s definitely not for everyone, the connection and commitment has to be at the next level for it to work. I’d obviously rather have him here, but he’s chasing his dream, so I’m supporting him.” Says Carly.
Though the two are far away, their love for each other is stronger than ever. While Vince is working hard in his dedication to the Army, Carly is supporting him through her dedication to Vince.