Entertainment or Background Noise?
The Circle series is a Netflix show that currently has three seasons. It is a competition series, in which the players get to choose whether they play as themselves or as other people all to win a 100k cash prize. If they play, acting like other people they are called “catfish” and have to lie to keep their fake identities.
Each episode is full of drama, games, and players chatting behind screens. This game is quite literally a popularity contest where each player rating their competition from their favorite to least favorite based on their opinions. This is all to vote someone off the show.
It can be fun to watch, but the 50-minute episodes tend to drag on. At the end of each season, the players meet each other in person and learn who was a catfish and who wasn’t. It’s interesting to see the many personalities finally come out and mix in reality.
In all honesty, I use The Circle as background noise while working on homework or other tasks. To me, The Circle is better background noise than entertainment. Overall, I’d rate this show a 7/10.