FANS Wrap Up
As the freshman mentor program wraps up, upperclassmen are looking forward to their last activities with their freshman. For Thanksgiving, the mentors assign their freshman write letters to a friend or teacher that they are thankful for. The students are encouraged to add some color and make it personal to a teacher. Freshman year can be overwhelming as it is your first year in high school, so many of the students have a teacher or student that they look up to.
“I think it’s a great way to show the teachers we appreciate them. Often times they are taken for granted, or we don’t show our ways we are thankful for what they do. I feel like they will like this idea a lot,” Laura Diestefano said.
After Thanksgiving break, the freshman’s first semester of high school is coming to an end. Due to this, the mentors will discuss how to cope with stress, how to prepare for finals, and their future classes. Every year, the mentors have their freshman write a “senior letter”. This letter is to describe as a freshman you goals or predictions for senior year. For example, lettering in a sport, types of relationships/friendships, and some of your current favorite songs to compare to senior year.
The FANS program is working hard to make a comeback for another year next year. As the program is important and helpful to freshman, the administration is in charge of deciding if it can come back or not. Encourage your friends to become a FAN or support the FANS program to keep up the school spirit!