Washam’s World
Many of us have witnessed the artists and musicians that have seemingly taken South by storm. Among them, is Brody Washam, Sophomore. Upperclassmen might know him from his recent involvement in South’s own ‘Dunes Day,’ and underclassmen might simply know him for his consistent involvement in music.
“I’ve played drums since I was about three or four… at some point I started getting serious about it, and I haven’t really stopped,” said Washam.
He became a part of his first band after collaborating with a friend, who was also a pianist. They recorded music under the name ‘The Pillow fights.’ Soon after he became involved with two Park Hill High School seniors called ‘Britain.’ His most significant group to date, though, may be Oxford Remedy.
“I joined Oxford Remedy about six months ago. That’s been crazy. They’re Oxford, I mean they’re pretty big. Especially around KC.”

Washam says he joined as a temporary replacement for a vacant drummer, but later became permanently incorporated.
Only recently however, Washam became a part of Dunes Day, the musical movement that’s swiftly taken over South.
“Dunes Day rolled around… Brenden asked me to play this show, and I said I’d do it… I think it went awesome.”
What had begun as needing a player for one show has grown into something larger. Washam and Dunes Day have plans for the future, including potentially playing at an assembly.
As exciting as all his musical accomplishments are, Washam must still make it through high school. This doesn’t stop him, however, from having big plans for the future.
“I want to tour someday, either with Dunes Day or Oxford. We’re [Oxford] are recording an EP this december. It’s gonna be super fun. We’re getting back into the writing process and recording.”
Washam’s commitment to music is clearly evident, and incredibly important to him.
“Music is really what I want to do with my life, and if it doesn’t work out, I don’t really know what I’m gonna do. I love the feeling playing live gives me. When people come out to shows, it gives me a sense of pride in what I’m doing, because I feel like people are really there for the music.”
Surely, South will be hearing more from Washam in the near future.