Your Go-To Show: “The Office”

Now I’ll try to be unbiased because this has been my all time favorite TV show for four years and counting, but if I could recommend a TV show to anyone it would be “The Office.” If you enjoy having a good laugh, never being able to guess what’s coming up next and using a little imagination, “The Office” might be your new go-to show.

Some of the humor would be considered more PG13 material so this show isn’t good for anyone under the age of 13, but it’s nothing too over the top. Whenever I’m having a bad day, I always know I can count on an episode of this show to lighten my mood. 

My favorite episode is called “Stress Relief.” One of the employees has a heart attack after another employee stages a fire to test the office’s fire safety skills. This causes a massive panic and things go from bad to worse when an older character, Stanley, suffers a heart attack from all the commotion. 

This show falls in the mockumentary genre, which is a motion picture or television program that takes the form of a serious documentary in order to satirize its subject. The subject of a mockumentary is normally something strange or unusual, so following the lives of people working at a struggling paper company in Scranton, PA fits right in. 

The star of the show is manager Michael Scott, played by actor Steve Carell. He really embodies every aspect and emotion of his character. From the awkward conversations, to the messy relationships and half wrong punchlines, Michael Scott is your worst nightmare when it comes to a boss. 

The show was mindfully crafted, tapping into the mind of each character through slices of interviews woven into the show. The camera work is also very purposeful without seeming like it’s trying to be. Sloppy or shaky shots give a feeling of panic or distress, while a zoom can bring in humor or anger. 

Over the course of nine seasons, you fall in love with the characters and their unique, but very realistic stories. The diverse cast means that there is someone for everyone to connect with or absolutely despise.

I would give “The Office” a solid 5/5 stars. This very unique and creative comedy will get anyone hooked till the very end. “The Office” can be watched on many sites like Netflix, YouTube and Amazon Prime with a subscription.